Blog Business How to Write Engaging Website Copy as a Business Owner

How to Write Engaging Website Copy as a Business Owner

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Head of Web Development, Atrax Designs
How to Write Engaging Website Copy as a Business Owner

Creating engaging website copy is crucial for any business owner looking to establish a strong online presence. While web developers handle the technical aspects of your site, the content you write plays a vital role in connecting with your audience and converting visitors into customers. In this guide, we'll explore practical tips for writing effective website copy that resonates with your target audience and drives results.

What is Website Copy?

Website copy, also known as the copyright (not to be confused with the type of intellectual property), refers to the writing, marketing, graphics, and layout of a website. Copy should be unique to your website, and inform, market, and sell your service/products to visitors of your website.

What Am I Paying my Web Developer for Then?

If you own a small business, you likely are creating a website to increase your client reach and establish credibility to your potential customers. Your website is a simply a marketing tool. However, unlike Google Ads and social media campaigns, where you are often restricted in what you can show (not to mention having to pay to reach potential customers), your website is a space where you can freely express your products and services.

Your web developer is simply a partner in creating this marketing tool. They create the platform, you create engaging copy that tells your company story (About Us Page), Services Offered (Products/Services Page) and offer a means to easily track and convert new customers (Contact Us Page).

Where to Start Writing Engaging Website Copy?

That is easy! You already have. Whether you are just starting or already in business, you likely have already written down what your business is about, what customers you wish to serve, and why you are starting your business. With some polishing, grammar checks and explanation your website copy is all set!

A helpful and free tool for this is Grammarly.

What Makes Website Copy “Good”

That is simple. Good writing makes good copy. But wait, what makes good writing? No essay skills required. So, here are a few prompts to keep in mind as your write your website copy.

  1. Be real

    I am sure you have seen it. The generic buzzwordy lines of someone trying to sell you something. People are not looking to be marketed to. They came to your website because they are looking for information, trying to solve a problem or learn about your product or service.

  2. No Buzzwords

    Keep the copy jargon free. Imagine if the only people who could read the jargon on your website are your competitors. Use simple words to communicate your point.

  3. Speak to your Audience

    Know your ideal customer. Create a personality for your copy that your ideal customer can relate to. See how Apple uses different voice and images to speak to two different audience types.

  4. Keep scanning in mind

    People read books. People scan webpages seeking the specific piece of information they need. No extended paragraphs of text. Keep the information to a few sentences.

  5. Include CTAs (Call to Actions)

    A call to action an instruction to the visitor of your website, designed to invoke an immediate response. These are must haves for every business website as it grants clear pathways to your convert your website visitor into a customer or client.

I Know All This but I am Too Busy to Do It

Hey, we have all been there. As a business owner you often must wear many hats of your business. And that is okay! There are freelancers (referred to as Copyrights or Website Marketing Experts) who can help you with your website copy.